When I interview people about fashion, I try to focus on their personalities. I concentrate on specific things they say that make them differ from the mass and I've come to the conclusion that every idividual is unique. Fashion is just a way of expression, like art, like political commentary. These days, when I talk to people in Greece, in their words I sense indignation and desperation. Individualism seems to have dissappeared, people are united by fear and anger. Since I focus on peoples' feelings and thoughts, and since a picture speaks a thousand words, I would like to share some photos from the demonstration of multitudes that took place on the 5th of May 2010 in Athens in protest of the strict measures taken by the goverment that will worsen the lives of many. One can only hope for a better future and that every crisis is an opportunity for change.
The wonderful photos are courtesy of Stratos Safioleas
Amazing photos. Captures everything really well.
Kind of frustrating for having nothing I can do. I love Hellas, I do want to act, but, I am a mere Japanese student.
Ελπίζω ευτυχία των Ελληνικών ανθρώπων. Indeed, "every crisis is an opportunity for change."
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