Monday, December 15, 2008

the days after

Beginning of the week after the Athens riots and everything is back to normal...

thje days after

thje days after

..well almost everything

thje days after

thje days after

thje days after


Caracas Street Style said...

Nice pictures!

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london fashion said...

This is very sad!!!
It is Christmas only in calendar!!

Anonymous said...

" This is very sad!!!
It is Christmas only in calendar!! "??????
There are more importante things than shopping, don't you think??! Jesus, the riots are being done for something!Read the (alternative)press, learn what happens in the world,girl!

Alecca Rox said...

indeed, riots are being done for something. broken store windows though are being done for nothing dear anonymous...

thefashionlist said...

What a nice blog do you have!!
By the way my name is Fosco, Italian living in Sweden and I do want to spend a second to introduce to your attention and I hope that you like it.
Thanks for reading this...ciao