to familiarise everyone with the unique creativity floating around and hopefully create a gateway for the designers abroad!
We have more plans in the future concerning a directory and webpages dedicated to designers, so if you are a designer or artist interested, please contact us!
We are starting our reviews by presenting Lost Toys Accessories
You can contact Anna Petridis at 6946-338394 and visit her showroom located in Psyrri.
Q-Let us know a little bit about yourself and your backround…
A-I studied fashion design with business in England for 4 yrs and
started with the Lost Toys line a little bit after coming back to Feb 2002.
Q-Why Lost Toys?
A-The Lost Toys as a concept and name reflects a lot to my personality.
I love the idea of trying to keep the humorous, quirky, colorful and
playful touch in my work for the child-like fun woman no matter of
what age.
Q-Where do you find your inspiration?
A-I have been inspired by children's story books, old and new toys
(I have a collection of vintage toys), but I think inspiration is long as you're in the mood to look out for it! I love
collecting different fabrics, buttons, beads from markets in the city
and other cities or villages when I get the chance to travel.
I believe that the more materials one owns the more their creativity is enhanced!
Q-Tell us the best and worst part of working for your own business…
A-Working for yourself is not have to be your own boss...and
that can be tricky! But I believe its worth it! Focusing on what you
truly can really achieve a lot...especially self satisfaction!
I think everyone should get the chance to work on what they really love!
Q-What are your plan for the future?
A-What I would love to do next is try to work on promoting my work in
boutiques out of Greece. This could be done by setting up a group
exhibition in a city maybe like Paris.I visited a couple of exhibitions
in the past and there are other small designers already doing this.
Q-What about independent fashion and design in Athens today?
A-The fashion scene in Athens is rising and developing rapidly...I see
many young people out there who have the confidence and are starting
to do their own little cool lines! The good thing is that there are
certain people who do appreciate the hand made touch and are willing
to give a bit more money for it...
Cute! This new section is a great idea!
Does anyone know the address of the showroom in psyrri?
here you go!...
lost toys address
pallados 21 2nd floor. call for appointment....
lost toys website
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