Sunday, February 11, 2007

Olga K. @ Cult Film festival

olgaWe were captivated by Olga's romantic/punk sense of style.
She is an events photographer but she was glad to put her
camera aside and allow us to take a picture of her.

reaRea, journalist
She lives between Athens and Paris but her bag is pure Americana.

antigoneAntigone, journalist
She is a TV journalist who is always on the hunt for the next big scoop.


LABYRNE said...

love it
but i cant link you there is a problem with your http

please tell if i have to put something special

great pics


ShoppingTherapy said...

οι φωτο είναι από το cult? πολλά ενδιαδέροντα (στυλιστικά) ατομάκια κυκλοφορούσαν εκεί!

{ Ivo Robledo } said...

what a beautiful bag!
I want it !